EBOOK: Summary of “The Real Anthony Fauci” – A Satirical Guide


Tisha Casida summarizes The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This book is a legal case against Anthony Fauci and the government agencies that are ‘under his control’ including the NIH, NAIAD, and the FDA. These quick, satirical summaries are meant to be a ‘launching point’ to quickly help you understand the seriousness and scope of the situation we face with our public health institutions.


“The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an excellent exposé of how corrupt our government institutions have become – specifically as it pertains to those institutions that are tasked with “protecting public health”. This is an extensive and extremely detailed accounting of that corruption. I go through each chapter of the book, highlighting the most important points covered in each chapter, helping you to understand the most important take-away, in a more efficient, albeit satirical, fashion.

Primum non nocere = first, do not harm. Oh how the Hippocratic Oath was thrown away in the name of money. Read and be prepared to arm yourself with knowledge that will protect you and your loved ones from further harm. These videos were removed from TikTok and this book will NOT be allowed on Amazon – because it contains the TRUTH. If what was NOT true in the book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be in court… but he is not. His book is a legal case against the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NAIAD), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and Robert Fauci as a ‘public servant’.

Arm yourself with this knowledge, and you will not regret it, for the future of mankind depends on us re-thinking the ‘injecting’ that is being forced upon us.

**This is a downloadable book, not available in print at this time.


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