The ancient Greeks would look up and wonder if there was life among the stars. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will soon be able to answer the question that has fascinated mankind since we began to walk erect. Life on Earth is about to change in a very profound...
James Webb
We are different,
you and I
People have often wondered aloud, "Can't we all just get along?" Especially in times of turmoil, it seems to us that there are members of society that have difficulty fitting in. They are different from us, and rarely do we understand why. Very few people take the...
Intelligence Gap
Many people are justifiably concerned about the wage disparity in this country. Although it is higher in some states, the federal minimum wage is $7.25. Contrast this with the multi-million-dollar salaries of some executive CEOs, combined with the ridiculously high...
End of a
Perfect Mission
Alan is my best friend. We met in college while noticing the same very short skirt. He is 364 days younger than I am, so his birthday falls one day ahead of mine on the calendar. Naturally we would celebrate both birthdays the same weekend, back when birthdays meant...
The Great Barrier Reef
I learned to swim when I was four. When I was five I would watch a black and white television show called Sea Hunt, starring Lloyd Bridges as "Mike Nelson". Bridges' character was a civilian diver that was regularly contracted by the Navy to perform various projects...
Carl Sagan – Champion of Science
Every child is born fascinated with the world around her or him. Everything is new, seen for the very first time. My parents exacerbated my curiosity by giving me a chemistry set when I was only six years old. A microscope a year later, tripled my curiosity about how...
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