Roger Ebert was my favorite movie reviewer because every movie Ebert liked, I didn’t, and every movie he didn’t like, I did. He was a very consistent indicator for my movie going. I use the government as my barometer of truth in the same way I used Roger Ebert for movies. (In case I’m being too subtle, I’ve decided that the government is lying more often than not.)
The government (via CNN) has openly accused members of The Restore America Plan as “extremists”. “A domestic extremist group has sent letters to more than 30 U.S. governors demanding they resign, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI said in an intelligence note. The group behind the letters has a “Restore America Plan” that calls for the removal of any governor who fails to comply, the intelligence note said.”
Barry Goldwater said “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Let’s examine for ourselves what these patriotic “extremists” want. You can find all of this on their website.
Whereas we do not now, nor have we ever been possessed of a desire to relinquish any of our unalienable rights for the dubious benefits of limited liability or any other compelled revocable “privileges” of a subject-class citizenship of the United States, nor to relinquish every aspect of our lives to corporations posing as legitimate governments
Whereas we do not now, nor have we ever entered into a binding contract, agreement or trust relationship with any person, living or fictitious, with the fully informed and willful intent to deprive ourselves or to be deprived by others of any unalienable rights granted to us by the self-existing Creator and guaranteed by the constitutions of the free republics of North America and the United States of America republic, c. 1787
Whereas we have become aware that each of the free American republics and the constitutional republic of the United States of America, c. 1787, have been preempted by military power and emasculated by coercive and deceitful methods of economic and political subjugation imposed by corporations posing as legitimate governments.
Wow. These people are extremists because they reject the hypothesis that the government controls everything about their lives? Apparently the government would prefer that everyone simply succumb to their total control without resistance. So far I haven’t met anyone associated with The Restore America Plan that didn’t sound rational – and determined to eliminate corruption in Washington. Pay attention to any news related to this project. I have reason to believe it may become front page news in the near future.