Gun coaching – learning to shoot

Written by Michael Badnarik

For anyone interested in learning about guns, or improving their accuracy, I am happy to help you. I have 35 years of shooting experience, and I was trained by the very best. I would gladly share what I’ve been taught over the years.

I AM NOT A CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR! I don’t pretend to be. If you want a certificate “suitable for framing” that you can show all your friends, find an NRA instructor. If you want to learn how to hit your target 99% of the time, then I may be the man for you.
Call me at 512-461-0995.

First gun purchase

If you don’t own a gun, and you’re not sure what your options are, your first purchase can be a bit overwhelming. I can make that process easier by teaching you the basics, and coaching you through your first purchase, and your first target practice.

$50 (plus my entrance fee) – Gun Show visit
I will attend a gun show with you to explain:
* the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols
* the mind-numbing array of different bullets and calibers
* different holsters for open or concealed carry
* the difference between rifles and shotguns

$100 – Caliber sampling
I will accompany you to the gun range to help you try several different caliber pistols.
This is so you can get a feel for the wide range of destructive power that’s available.
* .22 caliber
   (Not considered a “real gun” in Texas.)
* .38 caliber revolver
   (This used to be the gun most police officers carried – many years ago.)
* 9mm Glock
   (9mm is a smaller round – Glock is a gun company famous for its reliability.)
* .45 caliber Model 1911
   (The only gun worth carrying… but I may be somewhat biased.)

Once you’ve tested different types of pistols, we can return to the gun show to look for your first gun. My goal is not to influence your choice, but rather to prevent you from purchasing an inferior weapon. The most important fact at this step, is that the gun is comfortable in your hand. If you have a pair of shoes that are uncomfortable, you tend to leave them at home. The same is true with a gun that you’re not comfortable with… but the consequences may be more severe.

Personal coaching (1 or 2 people) – $100/hr


First hour
SAFETY FIRST! Memorize these rules before you call me.
* ALWAYS treat a gun like it’s loaded – even if you think it’s not.
* NEVER point a gun at anything (or anyone) you don’t wish to destroy.
* NEVER put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
* ALWAYS know what is behind your target.
   (Don’t shoot the bad guy if he’s standing on the playground.)

After safety, the three things you will focus on are:
* proper stance or body position. I prefer and teach the Modified Weaver Stance.
* sight alignment – sight picture – aim point (“You have to AIM the gun!”)
* proper trigger pull (this is where most shooters make their mistake)

each subsequent hour – 50 to 100 rounds
“Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.”
I will accompany you to the range with your gun (or mine). I will stand behind or beside you as you begin to shoot, and I will correct any errors in your shooting stance or trigger pull. I will offer advice based on the pattern developing in your target, and I will provide continued moral support – since beginners are rarely happy with their initial results. I will also caution you against being too cocky once your patter starts to develop. Overconfidence will inevitably scatter your grouping as you forget the basics you’ve been taught.

Everybody wants to be James Bond or Annie Oakley the minute they get to the range. Shooting is a learnable skill, but it takes methodical practice. In my experience, women do better initially, but men eventually outperform the women. Females are easier to teach because they lack a huge testosterone ego. They listen to instruction, then perform miraculously well. Guys just want to load the gun and blast the @*$#@ out of the target – which generally looks like swiss cheese, with holes scattered all over the place. Women don’t possess the same killer instinct that men have, and eventually (when the guy pulls his head out of his “oriface”) the man will develop the emotionless, mechanical consistency necessary to place every bullet through the same hole.

Group Training (10 to 15 people) $250/person

This would be an outdoor class lasting 6 to 8 hours. Shooters will require:
* 300 rounds of ammunition (.22 caliber pistols do not qualify as a gun in Texas.)
* a hip holster for their gun
* safety or sun glasses
* hearing protection
* a baseball cap

The class will operate as a “hot range”, which means that all guns are loaded at all times. This helps students maintain a healthy appreciation for safety. A “cold range”, where guns are loaded and unloaded at the direction of the instructor, has a very high probability of an “empty gun accidentally going off”.
Thare are no “accidental discharges”, only NEGLIGENT discharges.
Anyone with a negligent discharge will be asked to leave immediately.
No exceptions.

Instruction will cover:
SAFETY FIRST! Memorize these rules before you call me.
* ALWAYS treat a gun like it’s loaded – even if you think it’s not.
* NEVER point a gun at anything (or anyone) you don’t wish to destroy.
* NEVER put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
* ALWAYS know what is behind your target.
   (Don’t shoot the bad guy if he’s standing on the playground.)

* chamber check and magazine check
* proper stance or body position. I prefer and teach the Modified Weaver Stance.
* sight alignment – sight picture – aim point (“You have to AIM the gun!”)
* proper trigger pull (this is where most shooters make their mistake)
* slow single shots to establish and improve grouping.
* proper five-step draw from hip holster
* slow draw and fire
* fast draw and fire
* fast draw and double tap
* fast draw and body armor drill
* fast draw – engage three targets – reload – engage three targets

Good safety practice is MANDATORY. Students are expected to maintain a serious and sober attitude during the day. Horseplay will not be tolerated, and you will be asked to leave. It’s probably best to keep in mind – I’m a much better shooter than you are. Believe me.

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